Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Spirit of Adventure E-term 2016: A Walk in the Woods

By Sarah Hendrix

Dr. Hardwicke and Dr. Nicholson-Angle are the professors for the e-term The Spirit of Adventure.  Today’s class consisted of class lecture, outdoor activities and a nice walk around Adams Lake.  The classes focus is spiritual wellness, faith among various cultures and how the natural world impacts our spirituality.  The class will be leaving Wednesday, May 11, to head to Lake Junaluska for about a week.  Our first class was mainly informative discussing expectations and what will be occurring during the e-term.  Additionally, we discussed some history behind the spiritual connections of Ferrum College to Methodism. 

The hike that the Spirit of Adventure class went on today was led by Aaron Conover who is the Director of Ferrum Outdoors.  At the beginning he gave everyone a blindfold that they would need the whole time because some of the activities required it.  This also would mean that you would need a partner for some of the activities.  We were asked to walk through the woods blindfolded while guided by our partner.  There were trees, limbs, pinecones, etc. all on the ground, so we had to trust our partners enough and believe they would keep us safe.  Another activity required being blindfolded while your partner guided you to a tree and then the blindfolded person had to touch and feel the tree and the area that was around it.  After that the partner and the blindfolded person went back to the starting point where they could then take the blindfold off.  Then the person that was blindfolded had to go and find the tree their partner had picked for them.  A lot of people found their tree and that was because their senses were used to figure out what tree they had come in contact with.  The class really seemed to enjoy the activities and they trusted their partners, but they also used their senses, which will be needed all throughout the Spirit of Adventure e-term.

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